Since the beginning of time, Allaah ta’ala sent Prophets to the people to guide them aright, to show them the correct path, and relentlessly call them to it. They all came with the same message, that is, to worship Allaah alone and associate no partners with him.This call to tawheed was at the foundation of their da’wah and still remains to be today, for those who wish to be messengers of the messengers – continuing to propagate their call. We take from their example, wishing to emulate them in this aspect. Shaykh Ibn Baaz also advises us in this regard: “So this [tawheed] is the most fundamental principle, and the greatest understanding. It is the first thing that the writers should write about, and it is what the callers to guidance, and what the supporters of the truth should focus on. It is the most important science that they should grab onto with their molar teeth, and it should be spread amongst all societies, until they know its reality, and until they distance themselves from whatever opposes it.” And this reality of beginning your call with tawheed is something we learn by examining the lives of the Prophets, seeking to inherit the same wisdom today and letting the call live and flourish, in the hearts and [on the] tongues of the people.
The Messengers came to establish justice on the Earth, along with the scriptures and instructions they were sent with. A part of the wisdom of these laws is that they were essentially sent down to protect us from our own ourselves. And how utterly lost is the one who is left to himself receiving no guidance and instruction from his Lord? These books were complete – outlining that which was halaal and haraam, a source of guidance for the people, and essentially a complete way of life. Realize the sheer power of these books of guidance, their message and the prophets that carried them – they change a people, change a civilization – eradicting the baatil therein and replacing it with the haqq. We still continue to benefit from the miracle of Muhammad sal’Allaahu ‘alayhi wasallam today – that is, the pure and unadulterated message of al Qur’aan.
Despite the immense hardships they encountered, they continued to call in the way of Allah ta’ala. Prophet Nuh ‘alahi salaam called his people for 950 years while the majority of them rejected his call; he was, however, relentless, calling them in public and in secret. Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam was utterly humiliated at Ta’if – the people mocked him and pelted him with stones, such that his entire body was covered in blood. Prophet Musa ‘alayhi salaam faced a formidable foe in Fir’aun with his wealth and status and unbendable will to destroy Islam and its followers.SubhaanAllah, the trials and tribulations they faced were many and they endured them all to bring honor to this deen. Upon examining their struggles and perserverance and looking into their relentless will upon times of harship and the patience exuded therein, then perhaps you will know what is upon you of actions. That time has passed, this present time is what remains; will you be of those who honor their struggles and uphold the haqq or of those who trample upon it so carelessly?
Allaah ta’ala has sent Messengers to every nation – of them were those who responded to the call, of them were those who rejected it, of them were those who believed in their hearts the message to be the truth but did not act upon this belief. A part from them were destroyed – death reached them while they were in a state of denial – and a part from them were saved from this, to live out their life in the ‘ibadah of Allaah – incessantly responding to that call, the legislations, and fulfilling their purpose.
O Muslim! How did you respond to the call of the Messenger?
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