8 Easy Steps to Finish the Qur’an this Ramadan


Posted on : 12:11 AM | By : Admin | In : , ,

It has been said that everything has a beloved & that the month of Ramadan has a beloved, too: The Glorious Qur’an. And so for the duration of this month, Muslims worldwide honour Ramadan’s Beloved & aspire to complete the recitation of the Qur’aan.

In this article you’ll learn how you too, can work towards achieving this noble goal, inshaAllah

Step 1: Establishing an intention.

Our beloved Messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) taught us – through his words & actions – the important of ones intent or purpose. Establishing one’s intention is an effective catalyst to implementation. Once your intention has been established, remember to renew it often. Whilst reciting & even upon completion of Qur’an, recall your intention & renew it, thus ensuring that it is constantly purified & you are seeking His Divine Acceptance, inshaAllah.

Step 2: Don’t be Overwhelmed.

For some, as much as they aspire to complete the recitation of the Qur’an during Ramadan, they are overwhelmed by the number of pages or the length of some surahs. Remove ‘I can’t’ from your vocabulary & eliminate negative thinking for the believer puts their trust in Allah matched by striving with their actions. Remind yourself that you are (Allah Willing) fully capable of achieving your Qur’aanic aspirations, whether it be completing 1 or 5 times the completion of Al-Qur’an. This second point is key. Put your heart into this accomplishment & reap the rewards throughout, inshaAllah.

Step: 3 Plan Ahead.

Prior to commencing with your recitation it’s important to plan around your routine and block out time for your Qur’an goal Eg. your work hours, rest hours & any other commitments which you may have. Structure a realistic plan of how to complete the recitation of Qur’aan within the month by dividing each Juzz up per day. Draw up this personal plan, review it constantly, and put it into action!

As you put your plan to paper, consider past Ramadans and ask yourself if there have been instances where you were unable to complete Qur’anic recitation. Reflect over why & how this occurred? Is there a different mechanism that you could put into place? How could you enhance your daily Qur’an routine if these distractions were dealt with?

Take the first opportunity that comes, to begin your Qur’anic quest. So when the moon is sighted & the announcement has been made for the 1st Salaatul-Taraweeh, begin in earnest, with Surah Al-Fatiha, Surah Al-Baqarah.. etc

Step 4: Understanding Qur’an.

Read the translation of the Juzz you will be reciting daily. Having a basic knowledge of the theme, topic, message & meaning of what you are reciting makes the recitation of the Qur’an an incredibly uplifting experience that you do not want to miss out on!

Step 5: Find Qur’an Buddies & Compete in Good

Develop close bonds with brothers/sisters who are known for their attachment to the Qur’an, they’ll be your spiritual friends. Engage a Qur’an Buddy in your noble Qur’an productivity goals. Request that they remind you to fulfil your goals & spiritual aspirations so they can help you at times of slacking.

In life we compete with many materialistic goals and race one another but what about following the footsteps of the best generations that had come before us in a competition this Ramadan? In striving & competing with our friends & colleagues, in a good-natured way, towards our noble goals we can motivate ourselves to finish our Qur’an goal.

One of the common aspects which deter a Muslim from completing this task is excessive communication. Often, many of us spend too much unnecessary time surfing the net, chatting, texting, etc. Reduce this even by a third & you will see, feel and witness the blessings in your time, inshaAllah.

Step 6: Seize the Moment.

A deeply inspiring story with ‘lessons from the waiting room’ – where a mother who has taken her unwell child to the hospital waits for the doctor to see to her child. She notices a young Muslim who uses his time in the waiting room, in a most effective & spiritually rewarding way, reciting from a pocket-sized Quran. Lesson to be taken here: Invest in a pocket-sized Qur’an and make it your Best Friend this Ramadan. Seize every opportunity & moment to be with Allah swt through your recitation.

One of the best times at which to recite Qur’an, is after Suhoor. Having partaken from the sunnah meal, and with a hour or two still to go before work or school this is the ideal jumpstart to your day. The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) asked Allah Subhanhu wa Ta’ala to bless our Ummah in the early hours, and you will also be more likely to memorise ayahs at this time. Research shows that morning study creates better performance in students so don’t miss the morning recitation!

Time Tip: Salah Followed by Qur’an.

Consider the following option that has worked well for numerous people in past Ramadans. Try reciting 6 – 8 pages of Qur’an (depending on the Mus-haf that you are using) after each of your 5 daily salah. Add Qiyaamul-Layl as a 6th addition, and you will reach the end of Ramadan, having completed your Qur’aan recitation with ease & perhaps, even before the last 5 days of Ramadan so long as you remain committed.

Time Tip: Recite before going to sleep.

Allah Subhanhu wa Ta’ala says: “Truly the rising by night is most potent for governing (the soul) and most suitable for (framing) the Word (of Prayer and Praise).” [73:6] Reciting during the day is also beneficial, however the night time recitation is easier as well during ramadan as there are less distractions and noise.

Step 7: Remain steadfast & consistent.

The key to any success is consistency. Once you’ve mapped your plan, stick to it. Remind yourself of the greatness of this month, of the opportunities that it provides for your spiritual growth & your relationship with the Qur’an. Don’t be willing to compromise it in this month.

Step 8: Make dua’a to Allah Subhanhu wa Ta’ala

Nothing can be achieved without the Aid & Guidance of Allah ‘Azza wa jal. When making your intention to complete your memorisation of Qur’an, supplicate to Allah ‘Azza wa jal to ease this noble pathway & to crown your efforts with success, inshaAllah.

That’s 10 ways I wanted to share with you on starting and completing your journey through recitation of the Qur’an this Ramadan. Indeed Allah swt says in Surah Al-Baqarah: ”This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah” [2.2] Let the Qur’an be your means for attaining tawqa this Ramadan.

In the hours of the days & nights of this sacred month, May the Qur’an be your companion of light & guidance, resonating through your words, actions & life mission. May your relationship with the Qur’an be strengthened, enriched & enlivened with the Profound Wisdom & Divine Message from Allah Most High.

Month of Mercy


Posted on : 3:19 AM | By : Admin | In :

Month of Mercy

Welcome to Ramadan, the month of mercy.
Sit yourself calm and witness the beauty.

Feel the pure breeze under the shade of palm trees,
Forgiveness - even if sins stretch seven seas.

The month of reflecting on the life we’ve spent
And how it healed after every dent.

The time to realize your true objective
And to live Islam fully and not selective.

The time to appreciate the food and drink.
To unite rich and poor and provide the link.

The month of the struggle to grasp your soul,
For the next eleven months, in full control.

This is the time when the gates of hell are shut.
The devil is locked up and his work is cut.

The doors of mercy are opened up wide
And Allah’s blessings are always on your side

This is the month when the Qur’an was revealed,
The last revelation – the door had been sealed.

A true guidance for the whole of mankind,
No better words elsewhere will we ever find.

This is the month in which falls the Night of Power,
‘Better than a thousand months’, the blessings shower.

The angels descend on us so that they may see
The faces of believers in tranquility.

Don’t ignore this Ramadan; it could be your last.
Strive to obtain Allah’s pleasure and hold your fast.

Tomorrow could be your final day, be prepared.
Seize today by the neck and have no chance spared.

Ramadan is here


Posted on : 10:27 PM | By : Admin | In : ,

Ramadan is here, its here!
Ramadan oh so dear, so dear

During this month we must fast
Opportunity for our good deeds to amass

From food and drink we abstain
Satan this month is put on a chain

Wake late in the night for Tahajjud
Pray like you really truly should

Duas at this early hour readily accepted
Almighty Allah hears all, the Most Elevated

Then eat your delicious sehri food
Throughout the day don’t be in a mood

Muslims fast all over worldwide
Rewards in this month multiplied

Your eyes will soon open up wide
Looking at all those samosas fried

But don’t just anxiously await the iftaar
Make dua, ask to be kept from sins afar

Recite the Holy Qur’an much
Each and every sunnah try to clutch

Make good speech your norm
Extra Nafl salaah do perform

Having kept your fast during the day
At night Taraweeh stand and pray

Practise the beautiful way of our Prophet*
And for eternity hereafter increase your profit!

* Peace and Blessing upon him
May Allah give us all the ability to make the most of this blessed month of Ramadan, ameen.

Ramdan is back


Posted on : 5:38 AM | By : Admin | In : ,

Ramdan is back

Ramadan is back
Alhumdulillah still alive
to see its blessed days

Taqwa I hope I am able to achieve
Before again it takes leave

The days are quickly slipping away
Pray I am able to make the most of each day

Who knows whether this maybe my last
Next Ramadan I might already be buried and forgotten in the past!

Ramadhan is gone


Posted on : 4:40 AM | By : Admin | In :

Ramadhan is gone

Ramadhan was here.
Ramadhan's now gone.
Let us make the most of the month
For it is not here for long.

Let us do dhikr and pray
And worship Allah all day
Before ramadhan is gone
For it is not here for long.

Less than nine days till the end
Durood on Nabi (S) we should send
Continuously for our rewards will be doubled
Before ramadhan is gone
For it is not here for long.

Taraweeh !!!


Posted on : 1:36 AM | By : Admin | In : , ,


The Ramadan nightly prayer has a special merit over other nights. The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever observes night prayer in Ramadan as an expression of his faith and to seek reward from Allah, his previous sins will be blotted out." (Muslim)

In this hadith, faith means faith in what Allah has promised the observers of night prayers. To seek reward mean, the observer's intent is not for eye service or seeking special recognition from someone.

Taraweeh is derived from the Arabic root word, raaha, which means to rest, relax and use as recreation. It is so called because the believers used to prolong it. After every four raka'ats they would stop for rest and relaxation and resume until taraweeh was complete.

Taraweeh In Jamaa`ah
The Messenger of Allah (saas) was the first to establish the Sunnah of congregational, jamaa`ah prayer of taraweeh in the Masjid. Then he did not continue with the Sunnah for fear that it might be made mandatory on the Ummah in Ramadan, and they might not be able to do it. In the books of Bukhari and Muslim, 'Aishah (raa) has been reported as saying:

"The Messenger of Allah (saas) observed Taraweeh prayer in the Masjid one night and people prayed with him. He repeated the following night and the number of participants grew. The companions congregated the third and fourth night, but the Messenger did not show up. In the morning he told them,
"I saw what you did last night, but nothing prevented me from joining you except my fear that it might be made mandatory on you in Ramadan."

This hadith is a clear indication that the Taraweeh in congregation was not an innovation of 'Umar, the second Khalifah, despite his saying to the contrary. For it has been related that: "Umar bin Al-Khattab attended the Masjid at night in Ramadan and saw people praying individually in every corner of the Masjid with a few in groups. He did not like the sight a bit. 'Umar said, `I thought it would be better to gather these under one Imam'. So, he combined them under 'Obayi bin Ka'ab and Tamimu Ad-Dari to alternate and lead the believers in eleven raka'ats of night prayer. The next day `Umar was in the Masjid which was full with Taraweeh prayers. He was delighted. He said: `Well, this is the best Bid'ah (innovation).'"

`Umar's use of the word bid'ah in this report has been presented and unjustifiably cited as justification for concocting up various so called good innovations. In truth, the Khalifah 'Umar's act to gather the believers in Jama'ah is not bid'ah. For it was the Messenger of Allah himself who started jama'ah by praying in congregation the first and second day, then stopped only as he feared it would become mandatory. After his death, the fear of Taraweeh becoming mandatory (Fard) was not only remote, it was impossible. With the death of the Prophet Muhammad (saas), there will be no more revelation to change any law or rule by abrogation.

Number of Raka'ats in Taraweeh
As for the number of raka'ats in Taraweeh and Witr, the worthy ancestor, Salaf as-Saalih disagreed on the amount of Raka'ats. These numbers are mentioned for raka'ats: 39, 29, 23, 19, 13, and 11 raka'ats. Of all the numbers mentioned, none is sounder than 11 raka'ats. 'Aishah (raa) was asked how was the prayer of the Prophet (saas)? She replied:
"He did not pray in Ramadan or some other times more than eleven raka'ats." (Muslim/Bukhari)

However, there is nothing wrong with praying more than 11 raka'ats. Perhaps that is why different numbers are observed. The Prophet himself was asked about night prayer and he said: "It may be done in two raka'ats, and if anyone fears the appearance of morning, he should pray one rak'ah as a Witr for what he has already prayed." (Bukhari/Muslim)

As this hadith indicates, if a person is to pray individually at night, by daybreak he would have prayed one hundred and one raka'ats, or more.

In their desire to pray more raka'ats, some people make Taraweeh in extreme speed. That is wrong, especially when the speed leads to a breach of certain rules of prayer. In that case, the prayer will not be valid. Similarly, it is undesirable for an Imam to pray with such speed whereby the followers will have difficulty observing the necessary deeds in Salaat.

Neglecting Taraweeh
No one should neglect Taraweeh without a good reason, for it is part of physical and spiritual training, for its observation soon after Iftar insures timely and proper digestion of food. Besides, there are spiritual rewards awaiting the observers of this prayer. No one would like to leave the Masjid before the prayer is over.

Everybody should attend the Masjid prayers, including women, provided they are properly covered. The Messenger of Allah said:
"Prevent not the women servants of Allah, from going to the Masjid of Allah." However, when they attend the Masjid they should wear no perfume, nor raise their voices, and or show their beauty. Allah (SWT) states: "...they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof..." (Al-Qur'an, 24:31)

What ordinarily appears, refers to the outer garments, for when the Messenger (saas) commanded women to attend Eid prayer, Umm 'Atiyah (raa) said: "O Messenger of Allah, some of us do not have the outer garment (jilbab). The Messenger of Allah told her to let a sister (who has more than one) give her one to wear." (Agreed upon)

It is Sunnah that they pray behind the men in the rear lines. The Messenger has been reported as saying: "The best lines for men are the front lines and the worst lines for men are the rear lines. The best lines for women is the rear and the worst lines of women are the front line. (Muslim)

The women should leave the Masjid as soon as the Imam says:
As-Salaamu 'Alaikum. They should not delay without a valid reason. In a hadith by Umm Salmah, she said: "When the Messenger of Allah (saas) saluted to end prayer, the women would stand up to leave and the Messenger would remain in his place for a while." Umm Salmah (raa) said: Allah is the best knower, but perhaps the Messenger did that so women would leave before men could overtake them". (Bukhari)

Can You Guarantee Your Next Ramadaan?


Posted on : 3:54 AM | By : Admin | In : , ,

Can You Guarantee Your Next Ramadaan?

We praise Allah for having blessed us with Ramadan, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, the Truthful one, the one who informed us that in Ramadhan:

“…the gates of heaven are open, the gates of the Hellfire are closed and the evil devils are chained…”[i]

May the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him, his family, his companions and all those who follow his way till the day of Judgement. Ameen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, did you know:

You can die by next Ramadhan

How would you feel if this was to be the case, since no soul knows when and where their death is written and each souls time is appointed; how sure are you that you will be here next Ramadhan?

If you could see when the wrongdoers taste the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out, [saying], ‘Deliver up your souls. This day you will be awarded a degrading punishment.’[ii]

Hundreds of Muslims that were present last Ramadhan have now given up their souls and departed into the next realm. For those who neglected Ramadhan, deep regret is their destiny.

How many wail, screaming in the bottomless pit of the fire, pleading to Allah for one prostration in these blessed nights? How many cry tears of blood to witness one Night of Power- Laylatul Qadr? How many would cut off their limbs, sell their beloved ones, jump out of their graves with eyes full of hope, tears full of regret, when told that fasting is a shield that can protect one from the hellfire?[iii] Many, who have left this world, will do anything to witness one more Ramadhan.

O you who are in need of Allah! Take heed from the words of Ibn Umar (rah) when he said:

“When you survive till the evening, do not expect to live until the morning; and when you survive until the morning, do not expect to live until the evening; (do good deeds) when you are in good health before you fall sick, and (do good deeds) as long as you are alive before death strikes.”[iv]

O Believer, remember the day when the graves will turn out their contents and all that was buried in the bosoms will be revealed. On the Day of Judgement everyone will wish they had done more righteous works; a day when even a mother will throw her new born baby and run, screaming ‘Nafsy! Nafsy!’ (Me! Me!).

For many this Ramadhan will be a source of regret, whilst for others a source of happiness and joy. How will you feel, o servant of Allah, when your fast pleads to the Lord of the worlds,

“O My Lord I prevented him from food and desires so accept my intercession for him.” [v]

On that day, those who fasted with sincerity and hope, will neither grief nor remorse. This is because fasting with sincerity and hope for the reward from Allah erases past sins.[vi] On a daily basis, Allah multiplies our good deeds manifold; some rewards receiving ten times its like, others seven hundred. Yet for fasting, Allah says:

“.. it is for Me and I will give recompense for it, he leaves off his desires and his food for Me.’ [vii]

O Believer, indeed the time of opening the fast is a joyous one, yet know with certitude that there will be yet another time of joy – when you meet your Lord, the Almighty. [viii]

Make your choice

Join the caravan of those who love Ramadhan and Ramadhan loves them. Attune your heart with Allah; polish your heart and set its gaze focused towards the heaven. The Prophet (saws) said,

“Have no desire for this world, Allah will love you; and have no desire for what people possess, and the people will love you.”[ix]

Free your mind from the concerns of a world that is not even worth a mosquitoes’ wing in Allah’s sight, as the Prophet (saws) said:

“Were this world worth a wing of mosquito, He would not have given a drink of water to an infidel.”[x]

Let your heart rest in the remembrance of the Paradise, under which rivers flow beneath the feet and all that which your heart desires awaits you. In these days and nights: “…the gates of heaven are open…””[xi] Drink from its valleys, eat from its fruits; how true the words of the Prophet are,

“The world is the believer’s prison and the disbelievers Jannah”.[xii]

This month is a delight for the pious and a hardship for the sinners. The month is blessed, the days are beautiful, and the nights are fragrant.

O you who Believe! Know that if you do not avail Ramadhan, and you allow it to pass – without having attained the forgiveness of Allah – then destruction will be your lot. Once the Prophet (saws) was ascending the mimbar, on each of the three steps he said “Aameen”. The Companions, curious, said to the Prophet (saws) “We have heard from you today something which we never heard before”, the Prophet (saws) said:

“When I climbed the first step, the angel Gibraeel appeared before me and said: “Destruction to him who found the blessed month of Ramadhan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness.” Upon that I said ‘Aameen’…”[xiii]

Let your heart shake out of fear and worry. Gibraeel, a angel of such high mark, cursing and the Beloved of Allah, RasoolAllah (saws), saying “Ameen.”

O sinners! Rejoice! as do the righteous; a beloved friend has arrived, don’t miss her; she has gifts and she waits to give them to whomsoever asks. Within her womb lies a night better then a thousand nights. She is a guest for whom the righteous predecessors would prepare 6 months before and cry 5 months after her departure- the month that the other months hold in awe. She holds the hand of the sinner, a safe haven from the flames of the hellfire. The Prophet (saws) said:

“When it is the first night of Ramadhan the evil devils are chained. The gates of Fire are locked- not a single gate is opened, and the gates of Paradise are opened- not a single gate is locked, and a caller calls out :’O seeker of good come forward, and O seeker of evil withhold, and there are many whom Allah frees from the Fire – and that is every night.”[xiv]

Ramadhan ensures Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. Your spiritual state lies in disarray, the Beloved, the Lord of the Worlds and all that it contains, obligates his medication & remedy for the ailment of your heart. Allah will draw you close, Allah (az) says: “The most beloved deeds with which my slave comes closer to Me are the obligatory deeds.” [xv]

This month is blessed, its blessings drop, as does the snow. Its days are full of light and wisdom; its nights are like the twinkling stars on the open sky within the deserts of Arabia. Ramadhan has changed the lives of many and blown them towards the path of Paradise. The secrets of the blessed nights of Ramadhan wrapped themselves around their hearts, making them acquire such lights and realities – that few since the time of creation have witnessed. The Muslims of the past would use their empty stomachs for the purification of their hearts.

The fast should represent the triumph of a Muslim over desires and predominance over his inner self. It is time to atone for your errors and wrongdoings before a day that a mother will throw her new born baby and try to save herself. Be not of those whose doom will be witnessed by all to have ever existed from the time of Adam (as) till the last day. A day when the scene will be bigger than any cinema screen can hold – there will be no entertainment on that day. How sure are you that you will be alive next Ramadhan? Or will the dust have filled your mouth and nose; your corpse below the ground, alone, and damp. The insects and worms your friend, the soil your close companion.

Make your choice- will this Ramadhan stand as a witness for you or against you.

Oh Servant of Allah, the decision is yours. Allah has appointed from within the Muslims, a group whom the angel of death is to visit, just as he did last year this time.



Posted on : 3:49 AM | By : Admin | In : , ,


Who knows where it might incorporate with our body & kill us? Even if it isn't our own shadow, it's lurking somewhere in the shadows, waiting for us to take that turn, & slip into darkness for a very long time, if not for eternity.

Death doesn't come invited, & I think that's why people are so afraid of it. It can take you away when you realize you just started living your life. Or when you just realized it was time enough to mend your ways. And death suddenly struck you, not even letting you get a word of repentance out of your trembling lips.

What if we had continued to be ignorant about Islam, going on & on with our mediocre, evil way of living, without even realizing that a big prize was just within our hand's reach?

What if our chance of guidance from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala was passed on to someone who was more deserving than us?

What if Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala had bestowed His Mercy upon someone other than us, & blessed him/her with the gift of Islam?

So shouldn't we be thankful for the Love & Mercy Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bestowed upon us? Why are some of us being blessed with that gift, & still walking away blindly from it?

Why are we being ungrateful?!

Let us take this chance, not only to thank Allah for blessing us with guidance on the path of Islam, the true faith; but also to allow us the freedom to continue being in that state even when we feel lazy, distracted, or bored of constant worshipping. We should thank Him, that He does not snatch the presence of faith from our heart if we miss a single prayer, rather He forgives us NO MATTER WHAT!

Imagine, if we forgot the birthday of a good friend? Would he/she forgive us that easily? He/ she would hold a grudge forever!

What if we didn't thank a person for a great favour or help that they did? Wouldn't they think of you as a mean, uncourteous person? Would that person bother helping you again?

If we committed a mistake, would our friends forgive us that easily, no matter how many times we apologized? Wouldn't they always remember your mistakes?

Now think of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in the same way.
How many times have we missed our prayers?
How many times have we been ungrateful to Him & not thanked him?
How many times have we apologized to Him for our mistakes?

And do you think Allah SwT would hold a grudge against you?
Do you think Allah SwT wouldn't help you again if you didn't thank Him?
Do you think Allah SwT wouldn't forgive you?

He would, obviously, if you sincerely repented. And that is, undeniably, the truth.

No wonder He's the Most Gracious, Most Merciful God. And we recall this hundreds of times everyday.

Except for those who repent after that and correct themselves. For indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. [Surah 'Al 'Imran Verse 89 Tr : Muhsin Khan] Source:Quran

A Collection of Islamic Jokes


Posted on : 4:37 AM | By : Admin | In : ,

A Collection of Islamic Jokes

A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl" The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!" "Oh ,then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl'" – the policeman answers. "But I am not an American!" – says the man. "Oh, what are you then? " The man says: - "I am a Saudi !" The next day the newspapers says: "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog.

Here is the story of an Imam who got up after Friday prayers and announced to the people:"I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."

An Imam shocked his community when he announced that he was resigning from that particular Masjid and moving to a drier climate. After the session, a very distraught lady came to the Imam with tears in her eyes, "Oh, Imam, we are going to miss you so much. We don't want you to leave!" The kind hearted Imam said "Now, now, sister, don't carry on. The Imam who takes my place might be even better than me".

"Yeah", she said, with a tone of disappointment in her voice, "That's what they said the last time too . . . "

True Incident: During a Jumah Khutbah in a small town, an Imam talked about the significance of saying "Insha Allah" (which means if Allah wills) when planning to do something in the future. After a few days, a man who had also attended the Khutbah was going to buy a cow from the market. On the way, he met a friend who asked him where he was going. He told him about buying the cow but did not say Insha Allah in the end. His friend reminded him about the Khutbah and told him to say Insha Allah. However, this individual said that he had the money he needs and the energy to go to the market, thus, there is no point of saying Insha Allah as he will certainly buy the cow. He thought that saying Insha Allah will not make any difference.

When he reached the market, he found a cow that met his expectations. He bargained with the seller and came to a reasonable price. Finally, he decided to pay for the cow but was dumbfounded when he discovered that his money was missing. A thief had stolen the money while he was walking through the busy market. The cow seller asked him whether he was going to buy the cow or not. "Insha Allah, I will buy it next week," he said. When he reached home, his wife inquired about the cow. He told her about how he forgot to say Insha Allah, and also added, "Insha Allah, I wanted to buy the cow. But Insha Allah, my money was stolen. Insha Allah, I will buy it next week." His wife clarified to him that we should say Insha Allah for things that are yet to happen, not for those things that had already happe

Once, the people of the city invited Mulla Nasruddin to deliver a speech. When he got on the minbar (pulpit), he found the audience was not very enthusiastic, so he asked "Do you know what I am going to say?" The audience replied "NO", so he announced "I have no desire to speak to people who don't even know what I will be talking about" and he left. The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time when he asked the same question, the people replied "YES" So Mullah Nasruddin said, "Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won't waste any more of your time" and he left. Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mullah to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question - "Do you know what I am going to say?" Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered "YES" while the other half replied "NO". So Mullah Nasruddin said "The half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the other half" and he left!

True Incident: A young man in a village refused to believe that Allah has total control of everything. He claimed that Allah cannot make him eat food if he didn't want to eat. To prove his point, he decided to stay hungry for a day and see if Allah can make him eat. His mother tried her best to stop this foolishness but he paid no attention. Annoyed of his mother in the evening, he decided to climb a tree and isolate himself there. Being compassionate, his mother decided to leave the food under the tree incase her son finally gives up and wants to eat. When the night fell, a group of robbers were passing by that tree. They noticed a plate of delicious food placed under the tree. They looked at each other in amazement and thought that someone must be playing a trick on them. May be someone is trying to poison them with good food. They looked around to see if there was anyone nearby and noticed the young man on top of the tree. The robbers got him down and told him to eat the food to see if it is poisoned. But the young man refused to eat as he is still carrying on his challenge against Allah. The robbers became suspicious and started beating the young man to eat. He gave up and started eating. Seeing that the food was not poisoned, the robbers left him and went away. Finally, the young man admitted that yes, Allah has total control of everything!

An old woman came to the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) that I will enter Paradise." He said jokingly, "O Mother of So-and-so, no old women will enter Paradise." The old woman went away crying, so the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, "Tell her that she will not enter Paradise as an old woman, for Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) says: (We have created [their Companions] of special creation, and made them virgin-pure [and undefiled]) (Qur'an 56:35-36)." Reported by al-Tirmidhi, it is hasan because of the existence of corroborating reports.

An elderly lady was well-known for her Iman and for her confidence in talking about it. She would stand in front of her house and say Alhamdulilah "Allah be praised" to all those who passed by. Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!!" Hard times came upon the elderly lady, and she prayed for Allah to send her some assistance. She would pray out loud in her night prayer" Oh Allah! I need food!! I am having a hard time, please Lord, PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!" The atheist happened to hear her as she was praying, and decided to play a prank on her. The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "Alhamdulilah, Allah be praised!." The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn't." The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said, "ALHAMDULILAH WA SHUKRILLAH”. He not only sent me groceries, but he made the devil pay for them!"

"When I was in the desert," said Nasruddin one day, "I caused an entire tribe of horrible and bloodthirsty bedouins to run."

"However did you do it?" asked a person.

"Easy. I just ran, and they ran after me."

An Imam was selling his horse in the market. An interested buyer came to him and requested if he could get a test drive. The Imam told the man that this horse is unique. In order to make it walk, you have to say Subhanallah. To make it run, you have to say Alhamdulillah and to make it stop, you have to say Allahu Akbar. The man sat on the horse and said Subhanallah. The horse started to walk. Then he said Alhamdulillah and it started to run. He kept saying Alhamdulillah and the horse started running faster and faster. All of a sudden the man noticed that the horse is running towards the edge of the hill that he was riding on. Being overly fearful, he forgot how to stop the horse. He kept saying all these words out of confusion. When the horse was just near the edge, he remembered Allahu Akbar and said it out loud. The horse stopped just one step away from the edge. The man took a deep breath, looked up towards the sky and said Alhamdulillah!

True Incident: The incident took place in South Asia. A man was offering salah in his house. He was praying as fast as he could as many of us do. All of a sudden, he heard the door behind him open. Since, someone entered the room, he started making his ruku and sujud longer. Upon completion of the salah, he looked back to see who it was. To his amazement, it was a dog!

Two men were on a plane on a business trip when a Muslim couple boarded the plane and were seated right in front of them. The two men, eager to have some fun, started talking loudly. "My boss is sending me to Saudi Arabia", the one said, "But I don't want to go...too many Muslims there!" The Muslim couple noticeably heard and grew uncomfortable. The other guy laughed, "Oh, yeah, my boss wanted to send me to Pakistan but I refused...WAY too many Muslims!" Smiling, the first man said, "One time I was in Iran but I HATED the fact that there were so many Muslims!" The couple fidgeted. The other guy responded, "Oh, yeah...you can't go ANYWHERE to get away from them...the last time I was in FRANCE I ran into a bunch of them too!" The first guy was laughing hysterically as he added, "That is why you'll never see me in Indonesia...WAY too many Muslims!" At this, the Muslim man turned around and responded politely, "Why don't you go to Hell?", he asked, "I hear there's not very many Muslims THERE!"